Solar Gardens
Local Community Members Served by This Project:
General Subscriber Savings:
15% Discount
Annual Solar Energy Generated:
7,540,898 kWh
Annual CO2-equivalent Prevented:
4,848 metric tons

Maine - CMP

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Located in
Various Locations
Utility Provider
Developed By
awaiting construction

Get to Know Your Solar Farm!

Community solar allows you and your neighbors to receive all the benefits of renewable energy without the cost or hassle of installing panels on your own property. 100% of the project's clean energy goes into the local grid system, is used by your community, and saves subscribers money on their electricity bills.

Contact Us

Have some follow up questions? Feel free to reach out!

Solar Gardens by Syncarpha 
250 West 57th Street, Suite 701,
New York, NY 10107 
P: (888) 55-SOLAR
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© 2020 Neighborhood Sun Benefit Corp
We make solar easy.

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